BBL HERO Laser Skin Treatment

BBL HERO Laser Skin Treatment is the cutting-edge solution for flawless skin, targeting pigmentation, reducing redness, and stimulating collagen for a youthful glow.


BroadBand Light (BBL®) from Sciton is a versatile treatment option that can address a wide range of skin concerns, providing anti-aging benefits from head to toe.

Whether you're looking to reduce the appearance of sun damage, age spots, or acne, BBL offers a range of treatment options to help you achieve the results you desire.

  • BBL HERO is one of the most popular BBL treatments, harnessing the power of broadband light to deliver intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy. Considered the gold standard for IPL, BBL HERO can be used to treat a range of skin concerns, including sunspots, age spots, redness, and dull-looking skin.

  • Following a BBL treatment, patients can typically resume their normal activities right away, with little to no downtime required. However, patients may experience some mild redness or swelling in the treated areas, which typically resolves within a few days.

    To achieve the best possible results from BBL treatment,a consultation with Dr. Brady will help determine which treatment options are right for you. With the power of BBL, you can achieve a more youthful, radiant complexion and restore your confidence in your appearance.

